We're not a company.

We're a Team.


FLYUP Fitness is run by Team Kruithof.  A family of four (so far, we'd like MORE!).  We are normal people that had a fitness idea that grew into a business.   



Title:  chief persister

Role:  team captain, be persistent, act first and think second, pray a lot

Likes:  katie, laughing, real talk, vintage sweatshirts

Dislikes:  slow internet



Title:  beautify-er

Role:  tell chief persister when his ideas are stupid, bring beauty to all things, creative genius

Likes:  fun drinks, snuggling

Dislikes:  making the bed


Title:  heir to FLYUP empire

Role:  aid in assembly, count anything, lead team workouts, attend external meetings, win over hearts

Likes:  letters, numbers, singing

Dislikes:  waking up


Title:  chief disrupter

Role:  provide comic relief to rest of team, enforce mandatory break time, smile often

Likes:  food

Dislikes:  waiting for food